35 airports
17 countries
132 million passengers(1)
272 new routes opened
Over 156 million passengers(1)
46 airports
290 new routes opened
325 new routes opened
255 million passengers(1)
Integration of London Gatwick airport into the network
53 airports
New concessions in Brazil (Manaus and Amazon regions) and in France (Annecy airport)
65 airports
400 new routes opened since 2019, with 150 new destinations
210 million passengers(1)
#1 private airport operator worldwide
Over 70 airports in 13 countries
Over 267 million passengers handled
Integration of 13 airports in Mexico and all 7 airports in Cabo Verde into the network
3,101 km of highway
426 million vehicles travelling on the network
Over 3,560 km of highway
469 million vehicles travelling on the network
65% more ETC and free‑flow users on the highway network, with 1.3 million active users
Over 4,000 km de réseau routier
Over 4,100 km of highway
520 million vehicles travelling on the network
4,300 km of highway in over 10 countries
New highway concession in Brazil with the acquisition of a majority stake in Entrevias
16,000 km of railway with GSM-Rail coverage
70% more traffic between Bordeaux and Paris within the first six months after the SEA HSL went into service
2nd busiest HSL in France
Over 50 million passengers on the SEA HSL
90% of traffic levels from the second half of 2019 recovered in the second half of 2021
Over 95 million passengers on the SEA HSL since it opened in 2017
Over 110 million passengers on the SEA HSL since it opened in 2017
18,000 km of railway with GSM-Rail coverage